Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I was itching to call Kathleen all day today. It killed me not to call her. So finally at around 730 pm, i did. She was doing pre surgery preps. says we will get a special soap to wash with and a clean out drink. OH the misery of the prep. I feel so bad for her.. i know how bad those are on jerry and shes not feeling well to begin with either. She said the wind up there goes right thru you! NOT eager to experience that. They got the first snow fall. I told Kathleen thats good!! its a positive sign , a new clean white slate to start with. She was impressed with docs /residents said they were super nice and soo attentive and made her feel involved in all the procedures. It really made me feel much better talking to her and hearing how much more calm and collected she was. Im very impressed by her too. I cant imagine what id be doing in her shoes! nor Jerrys for that much. She thinks it will be about three weeks for her. So we will definately be meeting up! she will be there then for jerrys ordeal or dang close as three week to the day is first and jerry goes to surgery on the second. I sure hope this gives her some measure of relief! she said to me that surgery will be in about twelve hours. so 6-7ish? ill be watching that clock!!!


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