Thursday, December 08, 2005

Well backlash on ME today, i woke up early , 3am, cant open up my knee, freaked me out, but somehow i was expecting something like this to happen. so i hobbled- basically i sat on bed and bounced stood up on one leg and twisted to the other one then scrambled to end of the other bed and grabbed wall and hopped to bathroom got in hot hot water and just soaked until i could get leg to unbend, i came back out of bathroom hobbling and called jerry , told him i couldnt make it over today, he was doing well. They did end up giving him two units blood last night and back down for another chest xray. he sounded so much better on phone. he let them put the lidicane strips down sides of his incision. its 12hrs on 12 hrs off. well he thought it wasnt helping. but after 24 hr without them he figured he'd try them again. he felt decent and was even looking forward to walking!!! he said the lovely nasal gastric tube would prob be removed today. He hates the pressure socks on legs but as soon as hes up and walking 4x's a day he wont have to wear them any longer. personally i think they should take out the catheter then hed HAVE to get up to go to rr! then hed get his walking in! i guess 5 days out of that surgery is too soon. i cant imagine it. thankfully! he coughed while on the phone but didnt moan and carry on like he was yesterday, since it caused so much pain before. maybe those muscles from getting up and going to xray and such are starting to loosen up. he told me his plans were to get up and out of here as soon as possible. we can only hope!


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