Monday, February 06, 2006

We went to the doctor this morning. He did have infection and she gave him antibiotics for it (oral) and told him to use a wet/dry compress. Use diluted peroxide on a gauze pad and then cover wound with it and then cover that with a dry pad (LARGE bandaid). do this for 5 days to help draw out the infection.

We go to the new endocrinologist's dietician on the 16th, then the following 24th jerry goes for bloodwork and then on march 6th we go find out what the bloodwork says! The endocrinologist is also checking for amylase/lipase and seeing if islets are functioning yet, but he told us it is still way early (being only 8 weeks post op) we will see. more hurry up and wait. meanwhile we get to have fun NOT with the belly wound.

Here we did it YET again.. ANOTHER BIRTHDAY in a doctors office or hospital setting!! we just cant seem to break the chain!!


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