Wednesday, November 30, 2005

history and physical.. several doc/interns come in and get over all perspective of your life. medical and how you have been living/dealing with the disease. Then they did bloodwork/EKG and chest xray. all the people were soooo nice.. almost erie.. well he will be on floor 6b and surgery is at 8am on friday morn. we have to be over at 530am. removal of panc alone is going to be 4 hours. then same for processing of islets then they put them back. doc is concerned about swollen colon as long term narcs tend to do that as well! they may also have to remove part of it as well we know spleen is history as is pancreas and appendix. then we took ekg papers back to clinic and met with a social worker who then told us this part was new.. where a floor social worker comes and meets patient to see how they are mentally and physically and demeanor. She too, wanted us to rehash all our ordeals ect. she also told us.. jerry can expect 7-10 days in hospital then if no complications they will move him across the river to a "transitional facility" AKA nursing home LOL. as he will need physical rehab. he may or may not go home on TPN but nursing home stay is depending on how well h edoes too.. it could be up to 30 days she said. She said with someone in as much pain as he is, to plan on it and anytime earlier is a blessing. SCARY!! so he has tomorrow to himself and then thurs noonish/ he starts magnesium citrate and then has a special soap he bathes with that night then again in the morning before surgery. tomorrow we will take a pic w/kathleen. this wireless stuff isnt fun to learn when you have no clue and are soo used to basic AOL on desktop!


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