Thursday, December 15, 2005

Jerry is doing well today. we had a slight scare, he chewed three bubble gum balls, the big ones, against my better judgement. well i thought oh well he will have to learn. and sure enough, his blood sugar at 8 am was 95 , after the gum it was 241! so hes like throw that stuff out now. I guess if he wants a gum ball, he is going to have to buy the diet kind. sugar free ect. He is having neck/shoulder pains, that the doc when questioned said it was the nerves acting up from learned response. it will fade over time. We can deal. Anythings better than waiting for that next acute attack,never knowing if its the one that will kill you or cause a cyst or cancer. so now we just deal with keeping the bloodsugar level. not a biggie so far. a shot in morning of long acting lantus, and then check blood sugar before meals we can do that ! he also got some lidocaine patches he puts near his incision for 12 hrs and then it has to stay off for 12 hrs. Being nothing to do but sit , i slept and woke up around 1145 last night and watched out the window, there mustve been some christmas parties going on in the main ballrooms/conference rooms because it was valet central down there and the guests were dressed to the nines!


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