Monday, December 12, 2005

WELL YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS ~~ i got really great pictures of jerry today, as he was feeling his oats!! and all anxious i got here as quick as i could hooked up and there are NO PICSSSSSS on my hobble/run here , i mustve jiggled something and it cleared the camera!!! im just sick over it!!! another lesson i didnt think i needed to learn.. DO not cram your bag so full that things hit against one another in tight space. DRAT!!!!!!!

but on the good side, occupational therapy came in and was going to go over things and he interrupted the lady to say OH? you mean to go in to the bathroom? he gets up puts on his socks robe and tied it, walked quickly to the bathroom and came back undressed and got in bed. the lady said hmmmm, nevermind. how about i discharge you from occ. therapy. LOL you obviously are ahead of me LOL. cool.. thenn later physical therapy came in and took him for a walk around floor, came back did some standing exersises with him, gave him a handout reviewing the exersises and toldhim she was going to discharge him from pt as well he was beyond where she needed to have him too!!

so, as much as i wanted to share those great pics, dang dang! i guess if i had to choose the plus of the day, it was getting him dismissed from those two therapists!! ((((hint hint, we were told MAYBE maybe, we might be totally discharged on wednesday, but would have to stick around anyhow and not leave til weekend so his bloodwork could be done on friday before going home)) works for us!! BUT i havent heard any thing of the sort from THE man, dr. Sutherland so we will wait to hear what he has to say. but it is nice to have hope to do so. today and yesterday ithink she said he was sooooo busy and he was doing another islet tranni today!!


Blogger Blog Moderator said...

Good going Jerry!!!:) This is great to hear about such rapid progress with no major complications. I would never have thought anyone could make such good solid progress over such a short period of time. Especially when you think about exactly what they did and how long the took to do it. I don't think you (CJ) should ever be let loose with a camera...just as well it's not a dangerous weapon!!!!LOL I have everything crossed that the blood work on friday is good and you can get going. I am sure you would both be much better in your own home. How's that knee of yours haven't heard much about it that a good thing?? I hope so.

Take care


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