Sunday, July 09, 2006

Went on a vacation FINALLY! up to a cabin in Hiawassee GA. Jerry did great on his diabetes. he walked all of ruby falls and rock city on lookout mountain all in the same day! he needs more exercise like that! now that i know he can do that haha he will be hard pressed to find me letting him sit around! theres things to do places to go. WORK to be done around the house. We had a few surprises while up there, first the hill was soooo steep to get to cabin the van almost didnt make it. Then cell phones dont work up there so we were cut off, since we didnt have the number to the cabin prior to going. we did get online briefly via long distance to send a note to family and get phone number out.. GOOD thing too because our son ended up being hit from behind by a car going 70mph! turns out a creep with suspended liscense was driving a stolen car! ambulance took them to hosp before cops could get to scene and the perp disappeared from hospital! go figure! oh i also got to drive in horrible fog so bad that you can only see 3-4 yellow dashes in front of you on road and thats it! everything else was fog! in the mountains on those switchback roads talk about sweating! then we got home late and had to do the steep twist and turn up to the cabin. Ill never forget that! wish i could get a pic that would show how steep that hill was! scary. well we are home son is safe and life moves on... will post again when i can. here are two pics, one of a friend jerry made at the cabin and him on the top porch.


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