Thursday, April 27, 2006

As of today jerry has had a few days that he almost made it the whole day in his target range. He is getting better, but still wont write down what he eats. Lets hope that he can come around on that too! But as for the day to day, he still has his ups and downs, mainly because he wont write down and log what hes eating, he eats between times hes supposed to eat and no matter how much i point it out he still does what he wants. Irritates me. but HE has to do for himself! Don and Sam are now out of the hospital!! yeah!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

I came home from work on friday around 5 i think or maybe i left earlier. Jerry had kept his blood sugars in the 90s all day!! i was sooo pleased!! now if he can only do that for more days!! well last night at 12:55,before bed, he was 316, i stepped out to do something.. realized he just said something that registered with my brain about insulin.. im like NOOOOOOO came running out and it was too late he had taken his 9units of humulin.. im like crud crud .. that was perfect to go to bed on he would have woke up in range! well needless to say we played 2am he was 86, then 40min later 44. then at 330 we got him up to 100, after numerous juices, glucose gel, glucoburst,several bd tablets, two packets oatmeal, cheese, then 30 min later he was 55 !! tehn 56 , 71, 67,74, then at 6am he was 79 and i crashed, went to bed, i see at 8am he was still 79 then 11 he got to 148 ! i got up and at noon hes 276 now 2pm 385! this is nutty. well he never went to sleep so im sure he is going to crash too, so ill have to be up to make sure to wake him. what a bizarre start to the weekend.

I hope Don and Renee' had a better one! same for Sam T. hope this was a good weekend for her!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Today I came home from work and Jerry has kept his blood sugars with in range all day!!! so far so good!! im so glad! now lets see if he can do two days in a row! still cant figure out why we have to put him up in 300s to get him at a decent level when he wakes up in the morning. but that will come around too! I think about Don and Sam all day, I hope they are doing well!! Mainly we are doing day to day same ol same ol just juggling foods to figure out how to get jerry thru the day right!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Friday, April 7th, Sam T had her surgery too! same place same doc! lol.. well i have found out shes shes up and walking already! GOOD FOR HER!! she might beat jerrys 11 day stay !! I hope so! i hope shes outta there quick! and on the way to her reclaiming her life!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Today is my 39th bday. Don is getting ready for his surgery. I just wanted to post, I have finally calmed down from the surprise awakening on wednesday morning! lol. BOY not knowing what to do in that type of situation, #1 i should have just dialed 911! I now know we will do all we can to prevent that happening again, but knowing we are not perfect and eventually it will happen again we are prepared. It really was scary for me though, I have never seen anything like that EVER! my gf is like no biggie celeste, just next time dont freak, dial 911 and go with it let those who KNOW What they are doing handle it. AMEN i sure will!!