Monday, November 27, 2006

Jerry got called today from hospital they want him back up tues night for a repeat with the Cpap machine, turns out he DOES have sleep apnea. SO off we go again. wednesday morning they said they will call the insurance company for the home health to come out and set up a machine for him to use. They wouldve liked jerry to go tonite but he balked at it and said no can we do another.. ugh just get it over with come on LOL.. well ill be up at 4am wednesday to go get him,hopefully this will help him out alot!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Well on Monday the 20th, jerry went to have his sleep study done. He made it thru with no issues. Now we will await the doctors answers when we go back to see her. in a few weeks. Hopefully it will shed some light on why jerry is always sooooo tired. I am hoping that if it is sleep apnea, that he can get something that will help him get a good sleep so he wont be napping all day and sleep thru his meals which make him have the severe lows that he has to rush to try to bring up -which is where he over does it and then ends up way high, due to fear of not having enough. its like a bad see saw. He has like brain fog too, where he just doesnt get what we are saying at times.. im like what is wrong with you? youre not stupid! and that is exactly what his doctor said to him at our last visit on the 16th! we cant figure out what the issue is so we can attack it and get him straight. it is all diet related right now.. HE is PAIN FREE from Pancreatic pain. he does have the gastroparesis where he hurts if he has a bowel movement but it goes away and hes pain free the rest of the day or until the next time he needs the RR. The doc thinks maybe he has depression too, and told him to double up his paxil but he and i both are scared of that. So he said he wants to see what his sleep study test says first. then we will see if he ups that paxil. I know if we can just get him to not sleep all day, he could be perfect! if i am home all day and make the meals and put them out for him, he is perfect all day! but i dont have time to do that EVERY DAY. and if i pre make it , he says its not what he "wanted". well boo hooo sometimes we just have to eat whats there. whether or not we "want" that particular meal or not that day. oh well im anxious to see test results and if or if not that it is contributing to his lethargy and scrambled thoughts.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

we went to the doctor today. Jerry started the day at 139.. in doctors office he was 42. so he had a rough start. The glucowatch wasnt an issue,she wasnt really hyped about it so we dropped it for now and will discuss with the endocrinologist. but the doctor believes jerry might be suffering from depression. she doubled his paxil! from 30mg to 60mg. I am not so sure about this. She also was on board about the sleep apnea and ordered a sleep study. so we will await the appt to be made. Researching sleep apnea , different things can be affected by it such as pain, blood glucose, can be from diseases of the central nervous system. it can cause high blood pressure, daytime drowsiness, morning headaches, personality changes heart failure/enlargement and snoring. I am hoping that they can fit him with a Cpap that will allow him to get a good rest. I know now ((HIND SIGHT)) all those times I was watching him make faces in his sleep he was having issues! and then the ER visit , he kept setting off the telemtry with holding his breath in his sleep.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Last night jerry gave us all a good scare. including himself. hes cried off and on all day today. This has really upset him. i would think so! well he took insulin and didnt eat carbs only some protein and caused himself to go so low he woke me up with thrashing and kicking the bed, i finally got tired of telling him to stop and turned the light on when he wasnt answering me anymore but kept hitting the bed, well he was having convulsions/siezures which ever it is. anyhow we had to dial 911 and get him checked out. CLOSE CALL!! the nurse told him he was very lucky he had the siezures because most people just lay down to sleep and never wake up. SCARY SCARY! i slept in late today and now cant sleep tonite Figures.. ill be beat tomorrow! oh well guess ill go cook some hamburgers for he and son for tomorrow. also made chayote squash with apple pie spices smells devine tastes like applesauce!! i made it chunky i could have processed it longer and smoother. Next time we will try that. SO WORD UP TO ALL WHO READ THIS and are diabetic.. PLEASE check your sugars before bed and make sure you eat a balance to sustain you thru the night!!