Sunday, June 22, 2008

We have had good news! Last Tuesday, dads pet scan showed 90% of his cancer gone!!!! He has to undergo three total more chemos but he will make it thru. CROSSING EVERYTHING that it erradicates it ALL! I have been busy between work, home, jerry, dad, jr and just getting by. Work is slower but we are still eeking by. The big oak in my backyard dropped another huge branch and smacked the house again. Some how we need to get it taken down or down enough not to fall on the house and ill take the rest down myself. I had to go out and get a new chain for the saws. Jerrys been picking up the yard, and keeping up the house while ive been running and working. We keep having rains, and cant mow the yard, so hes been at least keeping the debri cleaned up (live on a corner and for some reason people feel the need to throw trash in the yard ). He is getting better control on his blood sugars. His doc made that note when we visited last wednesday. hes been doing much better over all. Again we are so thankful to have received this surgery and changed his life my life and just getting a life back!